Veteran-founded and operated, Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC) stands out for its premium coffee, unwavering support for veterans, and a deep sense of American pride. The Kalispell Outpost marks BRCC’s first foray into franchising, with the A&E Design team collaborating closely with both local proprietors and corporate affiliates to achieve a Montana-inspired aesthetic intertwined with the brand’s corporate essence.
The design encapsulates the brand’s inherent rawness and resilience, merging the adaptive reuse of a deserted 1911 workshop with a contemporary 3,400 sf extension. Industrial elements such as exposed brick and steel are prominent, while the preservation of original pressed-in ceilings and prismatic glass accentuates the brand’s authenticity-over-perfection ethos.
Military-themed design components juxtapose with lounge seating and a central four-sided fireplace, crafting a warm yet curated environment. The design strategically incorporates merchandise displays, highlighting the brand’s vibrant retail dimension. Outside, an expansive courtyard with wood-burning firepits and outdoor seating serves as a gathering space for food trucks and customers to congregate in the evenings. Positioned in a previously overlooked part of town, the outpost is poised to act as a catalyst, stimulating revitalization and community engagement.